Welcome to day 16 of the sewing space declutter challenge. This week is all about your projects, fabric and batting.
Today, our challenge is to find all the projects that you have started. It doesn’t matter if you call them WIP’s (Works In Progress) or UFO’s (UnFinished Objects) or WOMBAT's (Waste of Money, Batting And Time), let's get them all out in the light of day. And when I say started, that means that there is some cut fabric or half sewn blocks, or partially constructed rows.
So often we ask ourselves CAN We make it. This is one reason why decluttering a craft or sewing space is so hard. But there is a big difference between Can and Want. So it’s worth writing or printing this question out and having it front and centre.
We stop projects for many reasons. Work, family, sickness, distraction, mistakes, difficulty and more. And like all marathons, once you stop it’s really mentally challenging to get back back on track. But here is today’s question:
Do you WANT to finish it?
If you had a day of uninterrupted sewing, is this a project that you want to finish?
What happens when the answer is sort of. We kind of do, we kind of don’t. But If you can’t see yourself making it today, when will you want to make it?
A couple of years ago I went through this process with many of my UFO’s. And I showed you how in this video here.
I showed you how to focus on you and how you like to sew. If in doubt, put on your timer for 30 minutes and make a block or two and see how you feel afterwards. You will be surprised at what works and what doesn’t.
Last year, I gave myself a week to clear out all sorts of small projects that were clogging up my room and my brain. From EPP to pin cushions, to repairs and pillows I could not believe how with a bit of focus, so many UFO’s were finished.
I now try hard not to carry too much over into the next year as they represent old decisions and I personally dislike revisiting them. Last year, I managed to complete 2 long term projects and I am almost finished with a 3rd. And that will leave me with only 2 UFO’s over 5 years.
Honestly, I look forward to this day because I love playing with my fabrics. Not only does it bring a smile to my face, but it also triggers new ideas and possibilities. Try to note what the major next step is to get it back on track when you make your list.
If you need any more pointers, watch my UFO Playlist
So how is your UFO pile? How old is your oldest UFO. Share your finds online in the comments, in the Facebook groups or on Instagram with the hashtag #declutterchallenge2025. And check out my UFO playlist for some more tips.
Take care and you tomorrow for day 17.
Clearing out unfinished projects is such a freeing process—it really helps to create space for fresh ideas and new energy. I’ve noticed that this concept applies to self-care too. For example, treatments like the Zena Algae Peel can rejuvenate your skin, leaving it refreshed and ready for a fresh start. Just like decluttering projects, taking care of yourself allows you to focus on what truly matters, whether it’s your health or your creative passions. It’s amazing how both organizing your environment and nurturing your well-being can have such a positive impact on your mindset and productivity!
I’m hung up on the ruler day. I was shocked at how many I have. Even doubles of some! Any suggestions on what to do with extras and ones I don’t use?