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Declutter Challenge 2024 - Day 4 - Books

Today is similar to yesterday as we are again dealing with our valuable shelf space. And today we are looking at our BOOKS.c

Books are more substantial than magazines. Some are for reference and will always be useful. Some are inspirational and might not be specifically about quilting at all. And some will be full of patterns.

Some might have cost a fortune and some you grabbed at a garage sale. They might be precious because they are from a favorite quilter, a workshop that you took or made a project from.

But despite their value, we are still dealing with capacity. Only so much will fit in and the more space you give your books, the less that you will have for other items like tools and fabric stash.

So, how much space do you have for your books?

Next, gather up all your books and only put your favourites on the shelf. If you do not have enough space you’ll need to make some hard choices. You’ll find that over the years, your tastes change, your skills improve and you’ll find that there are certain areas and crafts that no longer interest us. So If you need to cull, start there.

I find some are like old friends and I want to spend some time with them looking through the pages. I have also divided my collection and I keep the inspirational books in another room while keeping the remainder here. I also moved my books on ruler work and free-motion quilting to my studio next to my longarm.

I am always surprised at how many at accumulate. And as I deal with my finite space, which ones I am now ready to part with.

As you look through your collection, the pictures, colours and styles will get your brain firing so have your journal close by to make notes. And if you are tempted to take up more space, that’s your call. But it’s a balancing act. Is it going to be filled with books or fabric or something else?

When you are done, the silver lining is that quilting books can find a new home in many ways.

You can try selling them online.

  • You can find some new local quilters to donate to. My guild is having a garage sale at the end of the month and that’s where mine will go.

  • You can also check with your local library to see if they are accepting donations.

These are the books that I decided I could part with. I just was never going to read or use them again. And they are in great shape so I know that I new quilter is going to find them just as wonderful as I did at first.

Now if you have any time left over, work on your UFO. Even five minutes of sewing is a step toward your goals.

I am having fun making various small projects that have been on my to-do list forever. Like stuffing this pin cushion for my office.

Book days can be a rollercoaster, as they can hold so many memories as well as dreams. Post online or in the Facebook Group which book you let go of. And of course, use the hashtag so we can follow you #declutterchallenge2024. I’ll see you tomorrow for Day Five

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