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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Here's Mando!

Everything happens for a reason. After taking the pet portrait class, and writing my last blog, I realized I was so sad missing my dog Holly. I figured it was finally time to get a new dog to accompany me, both on the walking trail and in the sewing room. I first had to sit down with my sons and talk about getting another dog. Since my husband has a mobility disability, I needed to make sure I would have backup to care for the new dog if I was to take a trip (something I wistfully think about during lockdown). They said yes.

So I looked up the breeder we received Holly from. She was a Mennonite woman just outside of St. Jacobs Ontario. Though she has a website, the only way to contact her is by phone first thing in the morning. The website said availability Fall 2021/Winter 2022 [sigh]

...COVID has made puppies a hot commodity.

A bit disheartened, I called her on Monday morning, thinking I should get myself on the waitlist. I introduced myself and said what an amazing family pet our Holly was. Lovinina was pleased to hear from me and started asking questions about Holly’s life. I rattled on and on about how wonderful she was and how much the whole family enjoyed her. Little did I know I was being interviewed...and passed! Lovinina's latest litter was weaned and off to new families except for one male whose family had not been quite ready for him and had asked to defer to the next litter. So one ginger 8-week old male was available that day for pickup. It took only three minutes for my family to all reply YES!

One of my sons even took the day off work to join me to go pick him up. The next few days were a whirlwind. Since everything was happening all at once, we had nothing in the house prepared for Mando in all his puppy glory. Luckily my friend Paula had a crate to get us started.

Now the reality of a new puppy is fully upon me. He is an absolute joy. He has nestled into that part of my heart that was missing. But I am now sleep-deprived with midnight bathroom breaks and constant training so that he doesn’t eat the furniture. He is a great walker and we make it around the block twice a day..but no friends until his second vaccination on May 4th.

Speaking of vaccinations, I went to get my first AstraZeneca vaccination last week. Another gush of emotions when it happened. I really wanted to hug the pharmacist but we both knew better. So feeling hopeful that the end to all this might be closer than the beginning.

Though puppy time has cut into my sewing time, I have finally finished my Orange Layer Cake quilt, and it’s part of my new video ‘Machine Binding’ Part 3 in the Binding Series. I also finished my quilt based on Fast N Easy Jelly Roll Block #4

And if you missed it, watch my interview with Angie Wilson @ Gnome Angel. We had so much fun. I can’t wait to start this year’s #100days100blocks quilt-a-long. I have a tray of Tula Pink fabrics in my stash that I intend to use. If you want to join Angie and I, click here for more information.

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I'm a quilter, crafter, mother, wife, daughter, businesswoman but not necessarily in that order. I love to make things and like nothing better than checking things off the list.


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